5 Serving

5Serving is an initiative with a goal of creating healthy Communities.

The following are the main objectives:

  • Helping people to eat healthy
  • Helping farmers to grow as per people’s need
  • Helping consumers and farmers to come closer

The information below is split into following 3 main areas:

  1. Demand – Helping people eat healthy by adopting 5 Serving concept
  2. Supply – Helping Farmers understand the demand of consumers and grow accordingly using organic farming
  3. Organize – Helping Consumers purchase directly from Farmers by arranging markets

Demand Generation

Start having 5 servings of vegetables and fruits every day and experience the change in your health

One Serving = A cup containing 80 grams of vegetables and fruits

5 Serving is all about eating well. Everyone these days are health conscious and are aware of the benefits of having vegetables and fruits regularly.

Well! Awareness is one aspect but practicing is another important aspect and that is where the problem lies.

Benefits of having vegetables and fruits can only be seen when discipline is maintained.

5 Serving concept helps people maintain that discipline and achieve the benefits

About 5 Serving

World Health Organization (WHO) and Experts recommend a daily intake of least 400 g of fruits and vegetables split into 5 servings

The below helps you to plan and maintain a good discipline for consuming Vegetables and Fruits (v&f).

People struggle to maintain discipline because of the following reasons:

  • Not sure how much to buy
  • Not sure how much to consume
  • Not sure about nutrition requirements
  • Not sure where to buy
  • Whether organic or normal
  • etc

So let us try to address the reasons

How much v&f to consume:

We know the Recommended daily intake = 400gm per person

We split 400gm into 5 Servings which is 80gm/serving

Each serving equals to 80grams

(approx. 1 cup)

A cup containing 80 grams of vegetables and fruits

How much to buy every week?

A family of 4 should buy 4 X 400 gm X 7 days = around 12kgs per week

So a family of 4 needs to purchase

6kg Vegetables and 6 kg Fruits every Week

Consumption Planning

When to eat, how much to eat and what to eat?

Typical 5 Servings can be

Sample Schedule 
7.30amBanana and Papaya before breakfast
8amSlices of Carrot and Cucumber along with breakfast
11.30amAny other fruit
1pmGreen leaves and slices of Carrot and Cucumber in lunch
8pmGreen leaves and slices of Carrot and Cucumber in dinner

To develop a good discipline:

  • Make a list of vegetables and plan for the week
  • Have 5 bowls of vegetables and fruits prepared early morning and keep on dining table ready to consume.
  • And maintain a calendar to indicate the right time to consume.

This helps encourage everyone at home including children to consume the right quantity of v&f at right time.

Based on the disciplined consumption plan we can arrive at the demand as shown in the below needs chart. This will be the input to the farmers to plan the cultivation and harvesting.


We are basically a group of farmers who grow Vegetables and Fruits by adopting Organic and Natural farming practices.

Having understood the consumers needs, we start cultivation and harvest when ready.

Knowing the demand helps farmer grow without the fear of selling.


We help farmers sell their produce directly to consumers avoiding the middlemen.

We organize Sunday Markets in various communities and invite farmers to participate and sell their produce directly to consumers.

ABC Park, Jayanagar, Bangalore

Please participate in this initiative and help us save our mother earth!